Remington Model 1100 Serial Number Lookup

Description: Gas operated 5-shot autoloading shotgun

Remington Model 870 Serial Number Lookup to secure an accurate manufacture date the FULL serial number is needed. GUITAR RIG 5 PLAYER is a free effects processor – great for building effects chains, for warming up a signal, and yes, also for recording guitar. MODEL 8 Serial Numbers These are the last serial numbers for each year of production for the Model 8 Year – Serial – Total.

Introduction Year: 1963

Year Discontinued: Currently in production

Total Production: N/A

Designer/Inventor: Wayne Leek

Action Type: Autoloading

Caliber/Gauge: 12-gauge (1963), 20-gauge (1964), 16-gauge (1964),28-gauge (1969), .410 bore (1969)

Serial Number Blocks: N/A

Grades Offered:
1100 Field – 'Standard' Grade
1100 TB – 'Trap' Grade w/ better wood
1100 SA – 'Skeet' Grade
1100 SB – 'Skeet' Grade w/ better wood
1100 D – 'Tournament' Grade
1100 F – 'Premier' Grade

Magnum Duck Gun
Deer Gun
Lightweight 20-gauges (LW – New 1967) (LT – New 1977)
150th Anniversary edition – 1966
Matched Pairs in .410 bore & 28-gauge skeet (New 1969)
Left hand in 12 & 20 gauge (New 1972, 12 & 16-gauges)
Youth Gun 20-gauge
Synthetic Models (12 & 20-gauge, also Camo)
Ducks Unlimited Commemorative versions
Bicentennial model
75th Anniversary edition Limited Edition 'One of Three Thousand'
Special Field (New 1983)
Sportsman Autoloader
Special Purpose
Sporting (New 2000)
Premier Sporting (New 2010)
Classic Trap (New 2000)
Classic Field (New 2006) (12, 20, 16, 28, & .410)
Tournament Skeet (2004)
Competition (New 2006)
G3 (New 2007)
Tac-2 & Tac-4 (New 2007)
Competition Synthetic (New 2011)
50th Anniversary (2013)
200th Anniversary (2016)

When was my rifle made?

After 1921, Remington employed a “date code” system which consists of a series of letters identifying the month and year of manufacture. This date code is typically 2-3 letters hand stamped on the jacket head (refer to the photograph below for location). The first letter in the code represents the month, the second (and sometimes third) letter represents the year. It is not uncommon for these letters to be stamped sideways.

When a rifle was returned to Remington for a repair, the factory would stamp a repair code. These codes read the same as the date code, but were followed by a “3”. It is not uncommon to find the “3” stamped backwards. For those rifles manufactured prior to 1921, rifles not found with a date code, or rifles found with ONLY a repair code, these will be dated best by using the serial number list at the bottom of the page.

Determining month of manufacture (FIRST LETTER)

B – January

L – February

A – March

C – April

K – May

P – June

O – July

W – August

D – September

E – October

R – November

X – December

Determining year of manufacture (SECOND AND/OR THIRD LETTERS),

M – 1921 D – 1935

N – 1922 E – 1936

P– 1923 F – 1937

R – 1924 G – 1938

S – 1925 H – 1939

T – 1926 J – 1940

U – 1927 K – 1941

W – 1928 L – 1942

X – 1929 MM – 1943

Y – 1930 NN – 1944

Z – 1931 PP – 1945

A – 1932 RR – 1946

B – 1933 SS – 1947

C – 1934 TT – 1948

UU – 1949 WW – 1950

These are the last serial numbers for each year of production for the Model 8

Year – Serial – Total

1906~2266 2266

1907~7754 5488

1908~12439 4685

1909~17168 4729

1910~21889 4721

1911~26489 4600

1912~30063 3574

1913~33041 2978

1914~35187 2146

1915~36938 1751

1916~38469 1711

1917~39918 1449

1918~40917 999

1919~42009 1092

1920~44825 2816

1921~45938 1113

1922~47297 1359

1923~48826 1529

1924~50136 1310

1925~51519 1383

Remington 700 Serial Number Database

1926~53160 1641

1927~55878 2718

1928~58741 2863

1929~61467 2726

1930~64024 2557

1931~65465 1441

1932~66360 895

1933~66867 507

1934~67676 809

1935~68841 1165

1936~69581 1010

1937~69485 96

1938~69488 3

1939~69490 2

* Despite these production totals, rifles as high as 69929 have been observed

Remington Model 1100 Serial Number Lookup

These are the last serial numbers for each year of production for the Model 81

Year – Serial – Total

1936~1675 1675

1937~4895 3220

1938~6862 1967

1939~8872 2010

Remington Model 4 Serial Numbers

1940~12623 3751

1941~17748 5125

1942~21575 3827

Remington Model 1100 Serial Number Lookup

1943~21579 4

1944~21694 115

1945~23809 2115

1946~30525 6716

1947~37104 6579

1948~43778 6674

1949~51187 7409

Remington 700 Serial Number Age

1950~55581 4394

Remington Model 1100 Serial Number Lookup

* Despite these production totals, rifles as high as 57949 have been observed